JS Libraries

This template is setup with Lenis Smooth Scroll, Ukiyo.js, Splide.jsWordplay.js by Waveshape. You'll find all the initialization code for each library in the site-wide custom code settings.

CMS generated sliders

Splide is the JS library used for the CMS generated sliders. For these sliders to work properly, you'll need to make sure to keep the class names of all homepage project collection elements (Splide__Slider etc.).

When checking out the "Projects" CMS collection, you'll notice a field called "Splide ID". Each project item needs a unique ID in this field. Just add +1 to the number of the previous collection item's splide ID (splide--1, splide--2 etc.).

Fixed footer

The fixed footer on the bottom of each page needs a set height for it to work properly. It's set to 100vh as default. If you'd like to change the height, you need to set the new height on both the footer section, as well as the fixed footer div element.


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